Wednesday 25 October 2023

645 - Halloween Week 3

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM wrap up October by watching two more Halloweeny movie. Hell Fest has a couple of good moments, but falls kind of flat. Totally Killer, on the other, hand is lots of fun even if DM complains about it.

Sunday 22 October 2023

644 - Halloween Week 2

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM try again to watch a couple of Halloween themed or Halloween set movies. The season finale of Scream season 2 kinda wastes your time, and Natty Knocks also wastes your time but not on purpose. Tune in for a video game review and stay for a rousing round of trivia.

Sunday 15 October 2023

643 - Halloween Week 1

This week, DM is back from holiday and she and Count Vardulon are digging into a couple Halloween anthologies. Both Slash FM and Slash FM2 have little to offer in the the way of actual Halloween horror, and most the entries are pretty bad. But! A segment called Save Yourself is so good it very nearly redeems both movies. In fact, DM just found this link, so you can watch it without having to sit through all the rest. Tune in for a couple of movie reviews and stay for some RoboCop chat.