Friday 27 May 2016

344 - Exercused

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM watch a couple of possession/exorcism movies. Both are kinda worth seeing. Tune in to find out who's not in Uncharted 4, and stay to hear about some bad marketing strategies.

Thursday 19 May 2016

343 - Blame it on David Lynch

Ted Pfeifer's bigfoot evidence.

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM take in the Cabin Fever remake. It doesn't go well! But to lighten things up, the Count speaks with the movie's location manager about the film. Tune in to hear all about that Highlander TV show you never watched, and stay to find what's up with the two biggest and bestest video games this year. Click hear to read all about Michael Ironside!

Wednesday 11 May 2016

342 - Frank Miller's Regret

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM dig into Captain America: Civil War. The good new is, they both really liked it. The less good news is they think it could have been more. Tune in to hear a book report, and stay to find out about a new (fake?) documentary.

Thursday 5 May 2016

341 - Once Again, Plagiarists

This has nothing to with the episode, it's just a cool map DM found online.

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM watch a couple of psycho killer movies that turn out to be worse than expected. In a surprise twist, The Asylum actually made a movie that didn't totally suck balls, while Escapee has a surprise twist that is of no consequence to the plot. Tune to hear a documentary recommendation and stay to find out what the Count thinks Marvel is up to.