Thursday 26 September 2013

228 - America's Sweetheart Jeffery Combs

This week on TheAvod your friends Count Vardulon and DM really like Jeffery Combs but really don't like the movie they watch with him in it. Other movies they don't like include one that barely features Jessie Eisenberg, and this week's Lonnie Movie. Tune in to find out who's been issued a Cease and Desist, and stay to hear a reading from the worst book ever.

Thursday 19 September 2013

227 - The Platonic Ideal

This week on TheAvod, your friends Count Vardulon and DM review a mixed bag of films: a bad found footage movie, a bland Loonie Movie, and a good Japanese movie. Tune in to find out who has ill-formed ideas about film criticism, and stay to hear about film festivals.

Thursday 12 September 2013

226 - Michael Biehn: Still Making Movies

An important lesson for kids: get used to disappointment.

This week on TheAvod, your friends Count Vardulon and DM take a break from random, half-assed theme shows to present a whole-assed Michael Biehn theme show. How does he fair as a director? In which movie does he barely appear? Do The Victim and Axe Giant share a location?

Thursday 5 September 2013

225 - Come for the monsters, stay for the monsters

This week on TheAvod your friends Count Vardulon and DM watch a film so bad they can barely find the words to describe its awfulness. They then watch a film so surprisingly good and fun they have to stop talking about it lest they spoil the movie. And they watch a third movie that is neither bad nor good. It's just kind of there. Tune into find out who's reading nothing but comics, and stay to hear about who saw a lot of movies last week.