Thursday 31 October 2013

232 - The Last Escape

Click the image to see more of Andrew Barr's wonderful artwork.

This week on TheAvod, your friends Count Vardulon and DM have a special non-Halloween themed episode in which they watch a bunch of Sly and Arnie movies. Tune in to find out who dropped the ball on TV this week and stay to hear DM say something really, really, un-P.C.. Click here to watch a music video that dares to asks the question, Can ghosts have sex?

Friday 18 October 2013

231 - The Gingerbread House

This week on TheAvod your friends Count Vardulon and DM journey deep into the realm of Hansel and Gretel movies. In a surprise twist no one saw coming, the Asylum's entry doesn't suck. And Hansel and Gretel Get Baked is not the stoner comedy everyone was expecting. The Count hates Jeremy Renner's face, so you can guess his feelings re H&G Witch Hunters. Tune in to hear which TV shows continue to suck and which ones suck less, and stay to hear about which TV will suck in the future. Click here to watch the greatest horror movie trailer ever, and click here to see the dumbest.

Friday 11 October 2013

230 - 14/14/14

This week on TheAvod, your friends Count Vardulon and DM manage to conceive of and kind of fail at a numbers-themed theme show. Tune in to find out how you should watch new TV and stay to hear how not to do it.

Thursday 3 October 2013

229 - Your Haunted Asylum Tourguide

This week on TheAvod, your friends Count Vardulon and DM watch TV. They also watch two (more) haunted asylum movies and something called Biker Zombies from Detroit that features an impressive amount of bikers but little else of note. Greystone Park proves that talent is not hereditary, and Grave Encounters 2 is half a good movie. Tune in to find out who's got the best haunted house, and stay to hear a reading from Loverboy.