Thursday 20 February 2020

512 - Remake Central

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM dig up some more underwater movies. Deep Blue See 2 is pretty much a remake of Deep Blue Sea, only crummier in every respect, and Dark Descent is pretty much a remake of Outland starring Dean Cain. Tune in for a documentary recommendation and stay for an upcoming horror movie that's surprisingly on-theme.

Thursday 13 February 2020

511 - Vultures

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM are joined by Rob Rector to talk nuthin' but Birds of Prey. Two out three people enjoyed it! In the immortal words of Meatloaf, that ain't bad. Tune in to find out what you should be reading, and stay for a list that doesn't know good from bad.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

510 - Oscar Prediction Special

DM's away and the Count is bad at reading calendars, so he and special guest Rob Rector make their Oscars prediction. Listen and find out just how wrong they were!