Saturday 31 October 2015
318 - Carpenterfeit
Happy Halloween! This week your friends Count Vardulon and DM watch 2.5 movies, sort of. The Count missed out on Crimson Peak, which is too bad because it's a solid Gothic horror. Skin Trade is a DTV action movie that outdoes a lot of theatrically released action, and Harbinger Down tries to out-thing The Thing. Tune in to hear about escape rooms and stay for a terrible hipster horror list. Be sure to read the definitive Until Dawn review.
Which festival should we go to next?
Redneck Games 20%
Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling 40%
Gathering of the Juggalos 40%
Friday 23 October 2015
317 - Festival
This week, DM fills in Count Vardulon on what's happening at Toronto After Dark! Also, strange makeup choices and a heartwarming story about getting screwed over.
Which sequel should the make next?
Con Air 2 40%
Cabin in the Woods 2 20%
Blood and Sex Nightmare 2 40%
Thursday 15 October 2015
316 - Double Trouble
Who's got cooties?
Everyone 50%
Me, I've got cooties 50%
Friday 9 October 2015
Update - No Avod This Week
It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, so we're taking a break to stuff our faces with turkey and pie! We'll see you all here next week once we wake up from our food comas.
Friday 2 October 2015
315 - Hoddest
This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM come close to having a kinda-zombie-themed show with two out of three sorta-zombie movies. Debug, the odd one out, is only for fans of bad Canadian sci-fi and Jason Momoa completists, Cooties is for everyone who likes teachers and doesn't always like kids, and Cabin Fever: Patient Zero is for no one. Tune in to find out what Criminal Minds is up to, and stay to hear an interview with Kane Hodder!
What are you scheming?
Getting someone to do my dirty work 100%
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