Thursday 5 September 2013

225 - Come for the monsters, stay for the monsters

This week on TheAvod your friends Count Vardulon and DM watch a film so bad they can barely find the words to describe its awfulness. They then watch a film so surprisingly good and fun they have to stop talking about it lest they spoil the movie. And they watch a third movie that is neither bad nor good. It's just kind of there. Tune into find out who's reading nothing but comics, and stay to hear about who saw a lot of movies last week.


  1. So good to hear your voices again! I've pre-ordered 'Frankenstein's Army' - if its half as crazy as you say it'll be worth it. You might want to avoid 'Chillerama' despite it having the wonderfully titled segment, 'The Diary of Anne Frankenstein'. Got to play catch up on your last few shows later this week.

  2. I showed you Darkplace first, god dammit.

  3. Dead Zone; what about Dead Zone???
