Wednesday 6 March 2013

202 - I Seriously Thought that was Peter Fonda

This week on TheAvod, Count Vardulon and DM find themselves at odds about two of the three films they watched. Normally DM is very appreciative of effort, but not in the case of this week's Loonie Movie. Usually the Count likes low-budget fare, but takes issue with Creep Van. Looper's just flat-out amazing. Tune in to find out who's tired of zombies, and stay to hear a theory about a possible new sub-genre. Click here for educational purposes.

Poll results: Which videogame would you next like to see made into a movie?
Phantasmagoria  0%
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs  12%
Alan Wake  25%
Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis  63%


  1. It's so nice hearing someone else point out how boring zombies are now and how big a cop-out making a zompocalypse movie is. It's time for mummies or animated skeletons to get their shot! or at least another one of these: (Mummy Theme Park)

    1. Thank you, Andrew! Zombies are done to death. (ha!)

  2. Those lectures sound awesome.

    1. Come for a visit and we'll go! Bring the whole monster squad :)
