Wednesday 28 November 2012

189 - Unnatural Silence

This week on TheAvod, DM has great hair. Ip Man 2 is almost as good as Ip Man, and Bedeviled is excellent. Both are available on Netflix, so there's no excuse not to watch them. By contrast, there's no reason to watch Chernobyl Diaries, so don't waste your time with that one. Tune in to find out why Skyfall is a sad attempt at making a Batman movie, and stay to hear which upcoming movies look bad. Be sure to click here for torture porn.

Poll results: What's your thesis topic?
Snuff is real  12%
Snuff is fake  0%
Snuff is a myth perpetrated by the entertainment-industrial complex  25%
Who's the worst James Bond  63%

1 comment:

  1. The Evil Dead was filmed in this little cabin in Morristown, TN (about an hour from my hometown). It's not standing anymore, though. Just the chimney is left.
