Saturday 24 January 2015

283 - Buy My Book

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM are joined by Rue d'Awakening who hasn't seen any of the films being discussed. The Count and DM absolutely recommend Cold in July and kinda sorta maybe think someone out there might enjoy Don't Blink. And there was a third movie. Also, find out about some fun upcoming horror movies.


  1. I'll definately add Cold in July to my list - Landsdale is a great underappreciated writer, far as I know offhand only Budda Ho-Tep has made it to the screen. You'd think the God of the Razor could be the ultimate slasher film.

    I enjoyed Don't Blink, it is Lovecraftian enough, even CoC game enough (as was the Balir Witch Project) aas its clear when the sanity check fails. As to the ending - she clearly has disappeared as the radio broadcast she is hearing abruptly cuts off and it originates no where near the hotel.

    Now could the Count please help me explain to my ex & kids why Ant Man is a great superhero? I know they think I'm prejudiced as he was one of my favorites back in the old pre-MMMS days (which they also don't get).

  2. Oh, btw, not all of us have Kindle darnit.
