Wednesday 25 January 2012

147 - That's What the Internet is For

This week your friends Count Vardulon and DM take in three sequels of varying quality.  One is better than it's immediate predecessor, one is worse, and one was actually enjoyable.  Tune in to find out who has back pain, and stay to learn who doesn't care.

Poll results: Should Count Vardulon watch Alcatraz?
Yes, and talk about it.  84%
Yes, and not talk about it.  0%
No.  16%


  1. why isn't there an option such as "I couldn't give a bleep/bleep/bleep about Saw"

    I miss voting - there isn't even a "none of the above"!

  2. The accommodations of remote Internet that you can bring with you are boundless. Verizon Fios Double Play
