Wednesday 3 November 2010

93 - Crazier Than a Bag of Cats

This week on TheAvod, Count Vardulon manages to tie together three very different movies with the theme "what the hell was that?"  Note, he chose all three movies this week, too.  Japanese film, Like a Dragon, turns out to be largely unintelligible unless you've played the Yakuza video games.  The long-awaited sequel to The Sword and the Sorcerer could benefited from more time spent working on the script, and Saw 3D is exactly what you would expect from a Saw movie--full of puzzling, plot inconsistencies, and the worst-acted scene in movie history.   Remember Jem?  Well, the DM brings her up in a conversation about Halloween.  The Count talks about a creepy Alan Moore comic, and proves that he's just as much of a Star Wars geek as the Divey. 

*Note, when the Count says "at the end of Empire Strikes Back," he really means "at the beginning of Return of the Jedi".

Poll results: Most of you (62%) would rather watch deplorable movie Ghost Ship than sit through either a sequel that destroys all continuity or a remake that fails to capture everything you loved about the original.  Some of you (37%) would prefer to watch a prequel that creates plot holes than Ghost Ship.


  1. This episode is CRAZY! So crazy, Crazy.

  2. It's a safe house. Safe. House. Safehouse!
