Sunday 11 April 2021

557 - A Man Named Kong

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM are again joined by Rob Rector which can only mean one thing: they all watched Godzilla vs Kong. Who liked it? Who didn't? Who's kidding themselves? Tune in to find out what movie you can safely miss, and stay for a list that has a very broad definition of "smackdown."

1 comment:

  1. Aw DM, how can you not have seen the original KK vs G? It was one of the first movies I saw in a theater, prolly the first non-Disney, non-Sinatra (my mother wouldn't miss Frankie even if she had to drag me along, 'Lady in a Cage' made quite an impression on my 9 year old brain) movie I saw. Its a kaiju movie AND a satire on advertising/commercialism though the Japanese version weighs more to the latter than the US version. Even at 8 years old I knew KK getting energy from electricity was nuts, the Million Dollar Movie (10 AM weekdays) where I saw the original KK taught me that.
