Wednesday 28 April 2010

70 - Kruegerama!

Just in time for the much-anticipated Platinum Dunes remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street, Count Vardulon and The Divemistress take an in-depth look at the NOES franchise.  They're very happy to be joined by B-Sol of The Vault of Horror, the Internet's foremost expert on Nightmare.

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3


  1. What a great listen! Thanks for making my morning, I was sad to have it end.-Unk

  2. Our pleasure! Thanks so much.

  3. I think the goat you mention might actually be one of those sheep some count when they try to fall asleep. Just what I've alwyas thought. Great listen!

  4. I never thought of that! Makes perfect sense. I briefly considered it was a representation of the slaughter of the innocents, but that might be pushing it.
